July 21, 2009

Coretan Pertama

Ini posting pertama aku pasal aku la. Aku tak tahu ape yang aku nak tulis. Cuma nak bgtaw la bila dah masuk alam perkejaan ni macam lain skit cara hidup dier. Mcm tak semudah masa kita belajar. Sekarang aku kerja sebagai pegawai khidmat singkat. Tempat pertama aku menimba ilmu mengenai alam pekerjaan nih. First benda yang aku blaja kat sini adalah mengenai pengurusan masa. huhuhu... kalu nak di bandingkan dengan dulu skrg better skit kot. Skit la x banyak pown but i try my best to change to be a better man.

Skrag ni dh almost sebulan setengah aku keje dekat sini. Macam2 jenis kawan ade. hehehe... otak gile2 tp jenis islamic la... di samping kerja ade la di selitkan unsur2 islamic dan gurawan yang boleh di terima tapi x skema sgt la. Tp masa blaja besh lagik la byk masa dan ruang untuk di habis kan bersama-sama ngan kawan-kawan. Teringat la plak masa blaja dulu. Beshnyer dan aku harap dapat kembali ke masa dulu di saat2 zaman kegemilangan.

K la kawan-kawan tunggu coretan yang seterusnya ek. Saje menulis menghilangkan rasa mengantuk di dalam diri sambil teringat zaman-zaman blaja. Kawan-kawan semua keep in touch k. Peace Brothers...

July 20, 2009

Borneo's Nessie

According to legend, the Nabau was a terrifying snake more than 100ft in length and with a dragon's head and seven nostrils.

But now local villagers living along the Baleh river in Borneo believe the mythical creature has returned after this photo of a gigantic snake swimming along the remote waterways has emerged.

The picture, taken by a member of a disaster team monitoring flood regions by helicopter, has sparked a huge debate about whether the photos are genuine or merely the work of photo-editing software.

Borneo's Nessie: The image that sparked fears a giant serpent was stalking the river Baleh

Even the respected New Straits Times newspaper in Kuala Lumpur has asked readers to make up their own minds about the photos.

Villagers who claim to have seen the snake say they have given it the name of Nabau, after an ancient sea serpent which can transform itself into the shapes of different animals.

People who have studied the photograph of the shape taken from the air have dismissed suggestions that it's a log.

As one writer asked: 'A log can't be that winding, can it?' Others have suggested it's a speedboat, but this has been dismissed because of the twisting wake.

The most common accusation is that the photo has simply been manipulated on a computer, while others complain that the river is a different colour to the real Baleh rover which is a murky brown.

Mythical: A second frame appears to show something snake-like in the water off a remote village

But villagers who insist the snake exists say that photos of the creature being taken in different parts of the river prove it is swimming about.

Earlier this month scientists unearthed the fossil of a killer snake that was longer than a bus, as heavy as a small car and which could swallow an animal the size of a cow.

The 45ft long monster - named Titanoboa - was so big that it lived on a diet of crocodiles and giant turtles, squeezing them to death and devouring them whole.

Weighing an impressive 1.25 tons, it slithered around the tropical forests of South America 60million years ago, just five million years after the last dinosaurs were wiped out.

Partial skeletons of the boa constrictor-like prehistoric killer were found in a Colombian coal mine by an international team of fossil hunters.



Terima kasih kerana forwardkan email ni, setelah membaca mesej ini, isteri terus ke peti sejuk mengambil bungkusan chesdale yang kami beli, To our surprise its contain 'rennet' eventhough it was marked halal by NZ Islamic Processed Food Management.. Entah berapa banyak babi telah kami makan... astaghfirullah haana'adzim. Sesiapa yang ada cara sila panjangkan maklumat ini kepada pihak berwajib.

Terima Kasih..

Email #1
Sharing info on CHEESE which is used most in our local food operators & bakery (melalui Ceramah Ust Badrul Amin) last Sunday @ UIA :

Susu memerlukan sejenis bahan yg diperolehi dari perut mamalia (lembu & khinzir) utk membolehkan ianya 'beku' - separa 'beku' dipanggil keju manakala 'beku' jadi 'whey powder'. Both ingredients are used widely in our daily food intake - pizza(s), cheese cakes, tart cheese or anything with cheese, cookies etc. The big Q - even if bahan dari perut 'lembu' being used to make the cheese - how do we know 'lembu' tu disembelih mengikut syariah Islam? How do we know the same 'lembu' being used in our food intake?

Unless, we (muslim) produced our own cheese - is there any in our local market? Pls share.

Conclusion - even tho memang payah, cuz kena explain panjang-lebar ngan my kids, InsyaAllah, Pizza Hut, Domino, anything contains CHEESE - gonna be NO NO from now on. This is not boikot but - menjaga akidah kita, semampu kita, within our control/power kerana ALLAH melalui penjagaan makanan kita yg akan menjadi darah daging.

Email #2
Talking about cheese, as said by ustaz, memang betullah untuk bekukan cheese tu, they need bahan dari perut khinzir atau lembu. Masa di States dulu, I studied Human Nutrition and my Jewish Prof. memang every now and then masa tu kept reminding me to check cheese yang I beli untuk class commercial food production, cos dia jewish pun tak makan khinzir, I mesti pastikan dari ingredients cheese tu yg bahan pembekunya must be pepsinogen [lembu] dan bukan rennet[khinzir]. Kalau di States, 70% cheese guna rennet.